

Hello, my name is Sofia Torre.

This all started out in my tiny studio apartment in New York City. Being new to the big city gave me an amazing feeling of being anonymous, this made it easy to remember who I am, reflect on my passions and push myself to start this incredible blogging journey. 

All my recipes are inspired by the limited space I have in my kitchen and the minimal ingredients needed to make them. You do not need a fancy kitchen or crazy ingredients to eat healthy, pretty and delicious, trust me - hence the name notafancykitchen. 

All eaters are welcome, I choose not to label myself as pescatarian, plant based, keto etc. I eat real food, make the healthiest choices and have learned to become in tune with my body and listen to my needs (whether somedays it asks me for a salad and others french toast) mind-body connectivity is my moto.

I truly hope this blog show you how easy it is to eat healthy and inspires you to choose a healthier lifestyle. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media!

Lots of love, always!