Coconut Fat Balls 2.0
These fat balls are amazinggg (husband approved deliciousness) but the real MVP is cardamom spice!
This batch will make around 20 balls so it will last you about a week… or a month if you can control yo self.
1 cup of almonds
1 cup of cashews
3 medjool dates (pitted)
1 cup coconut shreds (unsweetened)
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 tbsp almond milk
1 tbsp almond butter
2 tbsp flaxseeds
1 tbsp chia
3 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp vanilla bean (or vanilla extract)
1/2 tsp cardamom
And just to be fanshy I added in... (totally optional!) 2 tbsp maca
2 scoops @vitalproteins collagen peptides
Just blend everything up in food processor and your set!
For storage I like to keep 10 in a tight lid mason jar in the fridge and the other 10 in a ziploc bag in the freezer. If you are eating the fat balls straight from the freezer, take out 10 minutes in advance and allow to thaw!!