Sriracha Brussels Sprouts
I was craving a favorite dish of mine in one of my favorite restaurants in NY @josephleonardny wrob and I were regulars for their weekend brunchs and my favorite dish was the sriracha brussels sprouts! So it was about time I tried remaking them and omg they came out almost the same!!!!! Perfectly soft but crispy and frkn delicious!! Here’s the recipe you have to try:
Sriracha Brussels Sprouts
4 cups of Brussels sprouts (rinsed and halved)
4 tbsp avocado * 1 tsp sea salt
5 cloves garlic (minced)
Sriracha to taste
1. Cut any larger Brussels sprouts in half.
2. In a large skillet at medium heat, add about 1 inch of water in the skillet and add in sprouts.
3. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes or until soften (add more water if necessary and if there is leftover water remove cover, turn up to high heat and allow it to evaporate or drain it out).
4. Then add avocado oil, salt and garlic.
5. Use tongs to toss and evenly coat.
6. Cook sprouts for about 2 minutes or until browned and then flip to cook both sides evenly for another 2 minutes.
7. Shake the pan once more to toss the sprouts and cover for another minute.
8. Place cooked sprouts in bowl and serve with drizzled sriracha in top and enjoy these seriously delicious and addictive veggie!
Coles de Bruselas Asados con Sriracha
4 taza de coles de Bruselas
4 cucharadas de aceite de aguacate
1 cucharadita sal de mar
5 dientes de ajo picados
Sriracha al gusto
1. Corta las coles de Bruselas a la mitad.
2. En un sartén grande a fuego medio agregar una pulgada de agua y al mismo tiempo las coles se Bruselas.
3. Tapa el sartén y deja que se cosan las coles al vapor por unos 10 minutos o hasta que se ablanden (si es necesario agrega más agua).
4. Cuando las coles de Bruselas estén suaves, agrega aceite de aguacate, la sal y ajo.
5. Revuelve bien para cubrir las coles de Bruselas y dejarlas cocer por 2 minutos hasta que se doren, luego dale la vuelta y otros 2 minutos para que se doren por los dos lados.
6. Sírvelos en tu plato y acompáñalo con tu salsa de sriracha.