

I'm Sofia! I create healthy, minimal and delicious dishes in a not so fancy kitchen! Hope you enjoy!

Hemp Milk Smoothie Bowl

Hemp Milk Smoothie Bowl

Meal prepped this Sunday and it felt so good! Saved me tons of time making my meals during the week- made homemade hemp milk and steamed then frozen cauliflower and zucchini for smoothies... and boom 💥 delicousnesss! Hemp milk video + dets here
1 c hemp milk
2 c cauliflower + zucchini
2 tsp vanilla extract
Scoop @sunwarriormexico vanilla protein
1 tbsp @healthworkschef maca powder + more (if u like)

Topped of w/unsweetened coconut flakes, chia + crunchy ab !!! These colors got me like :)))))))))


Turmeric Poached Egg

Turmeric Poached Egg

Cheesy Breakfast

Cheesy Breakfast