

I'm Sofia! I create healthy, minimal and delicious dishes in a not so fancy kitchen! Hope you enjoy!

Simply Grilled Broccoli

Simply Grilled Broccoli

I used to have a serious obsession with broccoli... and I think it’s coming back, because I can. not. spot. craving this combo!!!! It’s stupidly easy, but sometimes we over complicate things and the simple stuff is the best stuff... so here’s the recipe for this simply grilled broccoli:
1 head of broccoli
1 tbsp avocado oil
Salt, pepper + garlic powder to taste

Chop the broccoli longwise, I use the stem and everything
Transfer the broccoli in a pan on a medium low heat
Add about 1/4 cup (more if necessary) and cover to cook with the vapor
After 10 minutes, once the water has been vaporized and absorbed by the broccoli, remove the lid, turn up the heat to high
Add avocado oil and seasoning + allow to cook for about 10 minutes on high heat to get crispy, flipping over about half way through
Once crispy serve and enjoy with lemon mustard vinaigrette or tahini dressing... so so good !

1 cabeza de broccoli
1 cucharada de aceite de aguacate
Sal, pimienta y ajo en polvo al gusto

Cortar el brócoli en trozos, incluyendo el tallo
Cocerlos en un sartén en temperatura media baja, agregar el agua y tapar para dejar cocer el broccoli en el vapor
Una ves vaporizado el agua, destapar y agregar el aceite de aguacate y sazonar al gusto
Aumentar el fuego a medio alto y dejar dorar hasta que se hagan dorados y crujientes, unos 10 minutos, dándole vuelta una ves
Servir y disfrutar con la vinagreta de limon y mostaza o con el de tahini queda delicioso!!!

Extra Crispy Sweet Potato Wedges

Extra Crispy Sweet Potato Wedges

Asparagus + Green Bean Salad w/Lemon Mustard Vinaigrette

Asparagus + Green Bean Salad w/Lemon Mustard Vinaigrette